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Real Estate Matters · Utah Realty
801-205-3500 or 801-205-1600 gales@utahteam.com

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Union Workers

Local Contact info Web Site American Federation of Government Employees (AFGE) Local 1592 801-777-3257 http://www.afge1592.org American Federation of Government Employees (AFGE) (TSA) Local 1120 801- 726-4649 http://www.afged11.org/ American Federation of Government...

Top Agent in West Jordan Utah

Searching for a  Top Realtor in West Jordan, Utah? When searching for a top agent or Realtor in West Jordan, Utah is it best to find the most popular or the most qualified?  Believe it or not there is a difference. You can find the guy or gal the advertises on the...

Search Utah MLS Salt Lake City Listings

Search Salt Lake MLS Listings. We specialize in assisting buyers and sellers all over the state of Utah. Searching for Real Estate in Utah? Our website contains every listing that is active.  ALL listings from ALL Real Estate Companies in Utah including Salt Lake...

The House The Pot Belly Pig, and the Crazy Aunt

BY MARTY AND LAURIE GALE Real Estate Broker/Owner with Utah Realty 5451933-PB00 Share: May 20, 2010 04:58 AM The characters consist of my past client, her grandmother (the retired librarian on oxygen), the grandma's caregiver (live-at-home bachelor son) and the aunt...

need to sell my house fast

There are a number of reasons people  need to sell their house.  So if you’re on a deadline to sell quick, you might feel entirely alone in your circumstance. This is because most people who sell their home do it the traditional method, believing that there is no...

What to Check During the Final Walk-through:

Those 24 hours before closing —  the home stretch to homeownership — is crucial. Preparation is key. The “final walk through” is your chance to make sure the buyer is getting exactly what they’re paying for. Bring a copy of your contract to ensure all included...

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